After talking & listening to many people who have done restorations, emailing and getting advice from the great group at EVBC, I decided that if I was going to do this, I was going to do this ‘right’. So I started setting up my garage and buying tools. One of the major tools that I purchased was a rotisserie.

I studied the many types, went and looked at several, even thought about making my own. In the end I bought one from Auto-Twirler. I found that they had the best bang for the buck! Their craftsmanship is great, and their
support is awesome! Give them a call if you are looking for one.

With the rear valance being welded on, I couldn’t use the standard a-body mounting brackets. So I got a couple cups of coffee and thought of the best way to fabricate some brackets for the rear. The Fab-Gods must have
been with me that day ‘cause they worked the first time! With the help of Doug and his mig welder, it was time to test the car on the rotisserie.

      On Rotisserie   On Rotisserie   On Rotisserie      
The moment of truth! Notice the look of doubt on Doug's face :-) It worked just fine.

With the testing complete, I took it back into the garage and started stripping the rest of the chassis. I wanted to make it as light as possible before putting it back on the rotisserie and rolling it over.

With the rear end and most of the suspension removed it was time to start the cleaning. I plan to clean the entire undercarriage and re-undercoat it.

On Rotisserie On Rotisserie On Rotisserie On Rotisserie
On Rotisserie
On Rotisserie